Article written by Online educational resources
Apparently Republicans don’t want women to earn as much as men working the same job. Apparently the Republicans have a problem with women? Democrats were not spreading out this rhetoric in when Hillary Clinton ran for office. Hillary surely got a huge chunk of the female votes and many of those votes were casted just because she is a woman – which scares me.
Some women did not vote for the best candidate, but vote for Hillary just because she was a woman. But, the democrats have good reason to make every woman believe Republicans don’t stand up for women. Women represent more than 50% of the population. But Hillary did not win and many blame this on her lies and scandals surrounding the use of her personal emails.
Women earn 77 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterparts. Do you really believe that only Republicans own businesses? And that it’s Republicans that creates that? This is a phenomenon that crosses both parties when It comes to employment. I just have a problem with phony politics.